Chanel Maya Banks, a rising star celebrated for her role in the hit series Gossip Girl, has taken legal action against two close family members: her mother, Lutchmin Judy Kumar, and her cousin, Danielle Singh. The actress filed a restraining order on December 26, 2024, citing serious allegations of harassment and attempts to undermine her credibility.
The legal documents reveal troubling claims, including unauthorized entry into Banks' apartment and the placement of a tracking device on her car. According to Banks, these incidents created an environment of fear and intrusion, prompting her to seek legal protection.
Banks claims that despite requesting distance from her family in October, they continued to make unwanted contact. This escalated to a disturbing event on November 10, when Banks alleges her mother and cousin broke into her apartment while she was out of town, attacked her husband, stole his work badge, and placed an Apple AirTag on her car to track her movements. Banks has since filed police reports regarding these incidents.
This development follows a high-profile incident earlier this year when Banks was reported missing. Her disappearance sparked widespread concern among fans and the entertainment industry. However, Banks later clarified that she was safe and had voluntarily distanced herself from her family due to ongoing personal issues.
In a statement to the press, Banks described her decision as a necessary step to protect her mental health and well-being. "This was not an easy choice," she said, "but I had to prioritize my safety and peace of mind."
Her legal move has generated significant public attention, raising questions about the pressures young celebrities face in balancing family relationships and their personal lives. While Banks has chosen not to disclose further details about the incidents leading to the restraining order, her actions highlight the challenges of navigating familial dynamics in the public eye.
As the case unfolds, supporters have rallied around the actress, expressing admiration for her courage in addressing such a sensitive issue. Meanwhile, representatives for Kumar and Singh have denied all allegations of wrongdoing.
Chanel Maya Banks remains focused on her career, with upcoming projects that promise to solidify her place in Hollywood. For now, she hopes to move forward with a renewed sense of security and independence.